• STEP ONE: Leave a comment if you don't you die.
    STEP TWO: Join us ^.^
    STEP THREE: Welcome to the dark side. We have cybercookies!

    Zeg ken je de historie?
    Er was eens een quizletter, die dacht: ik ga een topic aanmaken waar mensen verplicht moeten reageren als ze het openen. Zo komen er allemaal onzinreacties en dat is grappig! ;D
    Langzaam kreeg dit topic een aantal vaste leden, die het gezellig maakten en er een stam-topic van maakten. Er kwamen steeds meer mensen bij die allemaal bevriend met elkaar raakten. Zo ontstond er creativiteit met de titels en de beginpost. Er werd gedreigd met One-Vengers en beloond met cybercookies. En zo verloor het topic uiteindelijk zijn doel. Het laat-een-reactie-achter-topic veranderde in het Awesome Topic en dat zijn wij:

    Sarah - Cybermen - is 13 en wordt 14 op 5 mei, Belg
    Melissa - Melieke - is 15 en wordt 16 op 22 januari, Belg
    Marthe - Rydel - is 14 en wordt 15 op 31 mei, Belg
    Naomi - Nazario - is 18 en wordt 19 op 9 december, Belg
    Xanthe - Silverton - is 14 en wordt 15 op 7 juli, Belg
    Nele - Crispation - is 17 en wordt 18 op 21 april, Belg
    Bes - Frodo - is 15 en wordt 16 op 14 november, Belg
    Evelien - Lupone - is 17 en wordt 18 op 4 juli, Belg
    Fren - Evigilavi - is 13 en wordt 14 op 9 januari, Belg

    Lisette - Eloquentia - is 15 en wordt 16 op 11 december, Nederlander
    Lisanne - Clint - is 14 en wordt 15 op 1 februari, Nederlander
    Lieke - Essink - is 16 en wordt 17 op 8 maart, Nederlander
    Nikki - Malfie - is 17 en wordt 18 op 3 november, Nederlander
    Mara - WearyEyed - is 16 en wordt 17 op 29 mei, Nederlander
    Sofie - Barbas - is 17 en wordt 18 op 9 januari, Nederlander
    Jette - SecretlyACat - is 13 en wordt 14 op 3 augustus, Nederlander
    Kim - McGregor - is 16 en wordt 17 op 14 september, Nederlander
    Miriam - Bechemi - is 13 en wordt 14 op 5 maart, Nederlander
    Tessa - TereziPyrope is 16 en wordt 17 op 12 Juli, Nederlander
    Mare - Chanson - is 14 en wordt 15 op 8 augustus, Nederlander
    Marlijn - Dempsey - is 14 en wordt 15 op 24 december, Nederlander
    Noek - Lake - is 15 en word 16 op 27 juni, Nederlander
    Belle - Cuthalion - is 15 wordt 16 op 25 juli, Nederlander.

    *Naamsveranderingen doorgeven graag.
    *Als je meer dan 5 dagen niet in het topic geweest bent, word je van de lijst geschrapt.

    Sofie: 30 juni t/m 6 juli
    Lieke: 16 t/m 31 juli
    Melissa : 17 t/m 29 juli
    Evelien : 29 juli t/m 4 augustus + 19 t/m31 augustus
    Kim: 12 juli t/m 19 juli

    The Game
    1. Iedereen doet mee aan de game. Overal en altijd.
    2. Als je aan de game denkt ben je af.
    3. Als je af bent moet je dat melden. (door 'lost the game' o.i.d. te zeggen)
    4. Nadat je af bent krijg je een half uur om de game te vergeten, in die tijd speel je niet mee. Als deze tijd om is doe je gewoon weer mee en kan je de game weer verliezen.

    De geweld(dad)ige Starkische Mutsen.
    Onze tinychat. ~ ons twitteraccount ~ de topicregels ~ Geloofsbelijdenis

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 juni 2013 - 16:56 ]

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Cybermen schreef:
    En ik heb een nieuwe pf

    Het is the doctor!!! Neem me mee in de TARDIS!!!

    wie met beide benen op de grond blijft staan komt geen stap verder

    Rydel schreef:



    wie met beide benen op de grond blijft staan komt geen stap verder

    Fennec schreef:
    Het is the doctor!!! Neem me mee in de TARDIS!!!
    Nee echt, is het the Doctor? Had ik nog niet door :p
    En technisch gezien is did gewoon David Tennant

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Fennec schreef:

    I just read another real pretty one, but I accidentally deleted it.


    I'm just gonna read fanfics of Mad Swan untill I die.

    Which I probably already have.


    Oh yes, I firmly hold with the idea that the physical confrontation at the end of Hat Trick was stemmed in a deep sense of betrayal. I’m not saying that excuses actual violence, by any means, but this is a man who’s lost his marbles a few times over. The loss of Grace, the abandonment, loneliness, the knowledge that he is the only one (that he knows of) who actually knows who he is and where he came from. And in comes Emma, the only person who can save him from all that. I kind of think he fell in love with her from afar, that he romanticized her because of her roll as the savior. Just look at this shot of him, after she tells him she’ll try to help him:

    He has hope for the first time in thirty years. Its the first time anyone has bothered to listen to him, and he is battered throughout the whole conversation. When she calls him insane, when she says “You think you’re the Mad Hatter.” He doesn’t think, he knows, and he’s been afraid of being called crazy ever since he came to this world. It isolates him. He knows it’ll be hard for her to believe such a crazy story, that’s why he talks about it rationally and calmly at first with her. And then his worst feels are realized: its not working. And in a last ditch effort to get her to believe (maybe her believing well get it to work), he bares the part of his soul that is most deeply wounded. And it almost, almost works. She actually shares in his emotion, his pain of being so close yet so far from his child. But by now Emma’s made up her mind that if she doesn’t do something now, she’s never going to get away. She knows desperation and what it does to people. And that’s what the physical fight was about. To have hope dangled in front of him and then jerked away so suddenly and forcefully, with another “you’re crazy” shoved down his throat….

    I’m not saying he did the right thing. I’m just saying I think I understand him a bit.

    One of my favorite bits of Sebastian’s acting in Hat Trick is when Emma names him (sort of). “You think you’re the Mad Hatter.” The way he shifts uncomfortably and then quietly says, “My name is Jefferson.” No, I am not mad. I am not insane. And the first time she says he’s insane. The look on her face. It’s not fear, it’s pity. And he just blinks rapidly and then has to unclench his jaw before he can respond.

    Clearly being called crazy, being called mad, is a trigger. For good reason. And making a guy trust you, making him feel that confiding in you was the right thing to do only to turn around and make your escape after calling him crazy one more time. It’s kind of like bear baiting. Not excusing him and the physical fighting and the aftermath at all, just thinking about it from that perspective.

    I love this whole conversation, y’all. ;D

    What I really loved about how he reacts to being called insane is that — he knows he’s not crazy now, because he has been in the past, and he knows what that feels like. He can tell the difference. So the denial does not come lightly. It is not a knee-jerk reaction. It is an absolute statement of fact. But to hear that still, to be so powerless to prove just how sane he is — you can see all the frustration of it on his face, how he’s struggling to keep from losing his temper about it, trying so hard to take the rational and patient route. Then Emma does something that is, from his point of view, really pretty low (from hers, fairly reasonable, considering the kidnapping and threatening and her priority of getting herself & Mary Margaret out safe) — and he loses that control. Desperation, anger, and panic take over.

    HELL FUCKING YEAH!!! I think, all of of us Mad-Swan shippers appreciate this… this is in fact, articulated PERFECTLY as to why we ‘ship’ those two… if those damn writers don’t go in the ‘Mad-Swan’ direction… uh… oh hell, COME ON!!! You gotta!!! X-D lol

    ALL OF THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I understand both of them actually. Her desire to escape at all prices, and his reaction after that. Now, writers must just find a way for them to speak, to explain their reactions, just both of them in another place maybe, and then… u know. LOL



    It hurts to have only ONE f****ing Mad Swan episode, I swear it hurts. It would be easier to ship Gold Swan or Swan Queen because of all the interactions between the characters -__-

    My feels exactly.


    I'm like talking to a wall.

    Oh whale. ._________.


    Little rant, you’re warned :

    People who constantly say “oh come on Emma & Jefferson can never be together, stop fangirling this ship, this is ridiculous! totally non canon and it will never happen anyway!” Well these people surely never watched TV. How many times, in other shows, have we seen “impossible couples” growing into an amazing love?! (best example is Buffy/Spike or even Phoebe/Cole in “Charmed”).

    It’s not because their relationship started very badly that it can never turn into love. THE OBVIOUS CHEMISTRY between those 2, the fact that they both lost their kids, and are both emotionally disturbed, can lead to an amazing love, that could heal both of them. So yeah I’ll continue to ship them, because I believe in it! It may take several seasons, but I know the producers can not ignore that.

    Stop telling other fans what they can ship or what they can not. Indeed, they’re not Snow & Charming and a big part of me love Mad Swan also for that.

    Ranting over, you can scroll down.

    I’m just gonna leave that here…

    ps : just a reminder : this kind of “impossible love” also happens in real life, I experienced it myself so yeah. This kind of love can be the strongest that one can be lucky to have.

    I actually hope it takes several seasons to get anything near resolution, because I love UST and I love twists and turns (and, let’s face it, it’s going to take a lot of work for these two to get through their issues, so anything that falls together too neatly would ring false). And, I’m a cheerful multi-shipper, so while Mad Swan reigns supreme, I’d love for there to be some dramatic triangle around Emma and I’d love to see Jefferson with Red for a bit. So, by all means, writers, stretch it out and toy with our emotions for as long as you please.

    Plus, I am always baffled by the “it’s not canon so you can’t ship it” argument. Hi, are you new, or something? This is fandom. Fandom does what it wants.

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 juni 2013 - 23:57 ]


    Jefferson : Jefferson is a derivative of Son-of-Jeffery which comes from the Germanic name Geoffrey. Geoffrey means “Stranger” and “Hostage”…

    That's just freaking awesome.


    Some Mad Swan fanfictions make me wanna cry, I mean, they are so well written and I, we, are so desperate to see them finally accept their desire, if it never happen, I’ll cry like a baby *le sighhhh* This ship hurts I’m telling you #frustration

    Tought it was just me. :/



    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque


    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque


    [ bericht aangepast op 23 juni 2013 - 5:18 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    "do I have to call you first before I call the police?" ~ Lydia

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Isaac I can't get a finger on you... Sometimes you're so stupid and naïve but other times you're double as smart...

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque