• STEP ONE: Leave a comment if you don't you die.
    STEP TWO: Join us ^.^
    STEP THREE: Welcome to the dark side. We have cybercookies!

    Zeg ken je de historie?
    Er was eens een quizletter, die dacht: ik ga een topic aanmaken waar mensen verplicht moeten reageren als ze het openen. Zo komen er allemaal onzinreacties en dat is grappig! ;D
    Langzaam kreeg dit topic een aantal vaste leden, die het gezellig maakten en er een stam-topic van maakten. Er kwamen steeds meer mensen bij die allemaal bevriend met elkaar raakten. Zo ontstond er creativiteit met de titels en de beginpost. Er werd gedreigd met One-Vengers en beloond met cybercookies. En zo verloor het topic uiteindelijk zijn doel. Het laat-een-reactie-achter-topic veranderde in het Awesome Topic en dat zijn wij:

    Sarah - Cybermen - is 13 en wordt 14 op 5 mei, Belg
    Melissa - Melieke - is 15 en wordt 16 op 22 januari, Belg
    Marthe - Rydel - is 14 en wordt 15 op 31 mei, Belg
    Naomi - Nazario - is 18 en wordt 19 op 9 december, Belg
    Xanthe - Silverton - is 14 en wordt 15 op 7 juli, Belg
    Evelien - Lupone - is 17 en wordt 18 op 4 juli, Belg
    Nele - Crispation - is 17 en wordt 18 op 21 april, Belg
    Bes - Frodo - is 15 en wordt 16 op 14 november, Belg
    Fren - Evigilavi - is 13 en wordt 14 op 9 januari, Belg

    Lisette - Eloquentia - is 15 en wordt 16 op 11 december, Nederlander
    Lisanne - Clint - is 14 en wordt 15 op 1 februari, Nederlander
    Lieke - Essink - is 16 en wordt 17 op 8 maart, Nederlander
    Nikki - Malfie - is 17 en wordt 18 op 3 november, Nederlander
    Mara - WearyEyed - is 16 en wordt 17 op 29 mei, Nederlander
    Sofie - Barbas - is 17 en wordt 18 op 9 januari, Nederlander
    Jette - SecretlyACat - is 13 en wordt 14 op 3 augustus, Nederlander
    Kim - McGregor - is 16 en wordt 17 op 14 september, Nederlander
    Miriam - Bechemi - is 13 en wordt 14 op 5 maart, Nederlander
    Tessa - TereziPyrope is 16 en wordt 17 op 12 Juli, Nederlander
    Mare - Chanson - is 14 en wordt 15 op 8 augustus, Nederlander
    Marlijn - Dempsey - is 14 en wordt 15 op 24 december, Nederlander
    Noek - Lake - is 15 en word 16 op 27 juni, Nederlander
    Belle - Cuthalion - is 15 wordt 16 op 25 juli, Nederlander.

    *Naamsveranderingen doorgeven graag.
    *Als je meer dan 5 dagen niet in het topic geweest bent, word je van de lijst geschrapt.

    Sofie: 30 juni t/m 6 juli
    Lieke: 16 t/m 31 juli
    Melissa : 17 t/m 29 juli
    Evelien : 29 juli t/m 4 augustus + 19 t/m31 augustus
    Kim: 12 juli t/m 19 juli

    The Game
    1. Iedereen doet mee aan de game. Overal en altijd.
    2. Als je aan de game denkt ben je af.
    3. Als je af bent moet je dat melden. (door 'lost the game' o.i.d. te zeggen)
    4. Nadat je af bent krijg je een half uur om de game te vergeten, in die tijd speel je niet mee. Als deze tijd om is doe je gewoon weer mee en kan je de game weer verliezen.

    De geweld(dad)ige Starkische Mutsen.
    Onze tinychat. ~ ons twitteraccount ~ de topicregels ~ Geloofsbelijdenis

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juni 2013 - 16:39 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque


    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Lupone schreef:

    IK MOET NOG HEEL LANG (aka een week) DOORBIKKELEN D: Het is oneerlijk.

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    SORRY :')

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Ik heb nog één uurtje examen, en dan is het VOORBIJ.

    Le Beau n’est que la promesse du bonheur | Will you dance, dear Emma? | page 28


    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Hoi allemaal

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque


    Reality's overrated.

    I saw this tree. But it was a dragon. Then it was a tree again. It just lied to me.


    So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.


    Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines
    he wrote a poem
    And he called it "Chops"
    because that was the name of his dog

    And that's what it was all about
    And his teacher gave him an A
    and a gold star
    And his mother hung it on the kitchen door
    and read it to his aunts
    That was the year Father Tracy
    took all the kids to the zoo

    And he let them sing on the bus
    And his little sister was born
    with tiny toenails and no hair
    And his mother and father kissed a lot
    And the girl around the corner sent him a
    Valentine signed with a row of X's

    and he had to ask his father what the X's meant
    And his father always tucked him in bed at night
    And was always there to do it

    Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines
    he wrote a poem
    And he called it "Autumn"

    because that was the name of the season
    And that's what it was all about
    And his teacher gave him an A
    and asked him to write more clearly
    And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
    because of its new paint

    And the kids told him
    that Father Tracy smoked cigars
    And left butts on the pews
    And sometimes they would burn holes
    That was the year his sister got glasses
    with thick lenses and black frames
    And the girl around the corner laughed

    when he asked her to go see Santa Claus
    And the kids told him why
    his mother and father kissed a lot
    And his father never tucked him in bed at night
    And his father got mad
    when he cried for him to do it.

    Once on a paper torn from his notebook
    he wrote a poem
    And he called it "Innocence: A Question"
    because that was the question about his girl
    And that's what it was all about
    And his professor gave him an A

    and a strange steady look
    And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
    because he never showed her
    That was the year that Father Tracy died
    And he forgot how the end
    of the Apostle's Creed went

    And he caught his sister
    making out on the back porch
    And his mother and father never kissed
    or even talked
    And the girl around the corner
    wore too much makeup
    That made him cough when he kissed her

    but he kissed her anyway
    because that was the thing to do
    And at three a.m. he tucked himself into bed
    his father snoring soundly

    That's why on the back of a brown paper bag
    he tried another poem

    And he called it "Absolutely Nothing"
    Because that's what it was really all about
    And he gave himself an A
    and a slash on each damned wrist
    And he hung it on the bathroom door
    because this time he didn't think

    he could reach the kitchen.


    Why is everybody so dead? :/


    I am back alive en kan iemand me zeggen wat er in plaat van +32 moet als je naar nederland stuurt/belt

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Silverton schreef:
    I am back alive en kan iemand me zeggen wat er in plaat van +32 moet als je naar nederland stuurt/belt



    Rydel schreef:

    als je on het buitenland wilt bellen moet +324..... Achter je nummer zetten, maar als naar het buitenland wilt bellen moet je ook zo'n nummer hebben

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    En heb je nu al gezien wat ik gisteren gekocht heb?

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque