Berna - Berdy
Lieke - Meliourry
Miriam - MirLiam
Anouk - Donoghue
Yvonne - MissStoran
Elle - Sikowitz
Gabriëla - MalikMore
Kim - Eyes
Aniek - Memoria
Natascha - Pokemoniall
Lisanne - Creativity
Maartje - Moams
Sebas - SuperMalik
Melissa - Morissette
Ness - nessje
Anouschka - liamssmile
Glenn - Nibug
Jette - LadyCeliac
[ bericht aangepast op 6 feb 2013 - 20:45 ]
'I've got the scars from tomorrow, and I wish you could see, you're the antidote to everything except for me.'