• I had to throw the scissors away because I was afraid to harm myself. Just now. One minute ago. Minutes, hours, days, months, years.. I grew up so fast. A little bit too fast if you’re asking me. I don’t want to be so responsible. I want to be a child again. I want to be little and play with my little friends in the street. I want to go to primary school again and learn things all over. Just to make things right. Just to make other friends and do everything with a little more patience. No, I don’t want to be a child, I wanna travel back in time. Just to see if I could make things right. If I could be popular. Cause that’s all I want. I want to show my talents. I don’t want to find out later what I’m good at. I want my parents to know that I’m good at acting, singing. I want them to be proud of me. I want them to support me through hard times and I want them to support me for being an actress. But, unfortunately, I can’t go back in time. I have to persuade my parents to support me. They don’t believe that I can do this. They think, ‘Oh you’re just a little girl that isn’t ready for the big world.’ I can tell you this. I think you’re not ready for me to be growing up. You still think I’m that little girl. But I’m older now, I have grown up. I know what I want. I know what I can. I know what my talents are. And I’m not planning to waste them. Sometimes I cry, because I know a girl that wants the same as me. And she goes for it. Her parents go for it. And now, she’s almost famous. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for her. I really am. But I can’t believe she totally made it. I feel like a nitwit sometimes because my parents work so hard and they don’t want me to do what I like. They like their work. I don’t even have a job. Maybe because it’s too early, but I don’t believe that. I can earn money by playing in a serie. You know what’s crazy. I had a perfect chance to do what I like. But my parents didn’t want me to. ‘No way! You’re way too busy! It’s too far away! You don’t have a chance to play in this serie, cause you’re just a little girl, you’re not from the big city, you look way too young.’ That’s what my mom told me. Guess what? A girl from her school, a primary school, she got the role. And I’m fucking 15 years old. I just can’t believe my parents don’t let me go. A few weeks ago, there was an information night for parents and their teenage children about going out in our nearest disco. My mom didn’t even tell me about it. She just threw away the flyer, like it was something I would never like to do. My parents don’t even want me to be an actress. They want me to study a language or something like that. Yes, I’m good at that kind of subject but it’s not that what I want. I want to do the things that make me happy. I want that my parents feel happy when they see I’m growing up and that I’m having fun.
    I just had to spit it out.

    What by Zeus' beard is going on????

    No offense, maar waarom die hele tekst in het Engels? ;s

    En spijtig voor jou... Praat er dan eens over met je ouders? Zeg gewoon wat je hier hebt gezegd, of laat het ze dit topic lezen. Het laten lezen is soms gemakkelijker dan het zeggen.

    "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." ~ Albert Einstein

    Ok ik heb alles even gelezen....
    Maar je bent 15, in België mogen ze pas uitgaan op hun 16 dus ik zie daar het probleem niet eigenlijk.
    Dat ze je dromen niet steunen vind ik best jammer, een ouder hoort dat te doen zelfs al staan ze er niet achter.
    Misschien moet je eens goed praten en vertellen wat er je allemaal dwars zit.
    Maar ik had nog een vraag, waarom staat het in het Engels?

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    If I were you, I'd be like: "Screw that. I'm gonna be an actress." Just don't let your parents ruin everything for you. If acting is what you want, then you should do it.

    Geen idee waarom ik mijn reactie in het Engels typ. :C

    I just love English, it's like my second language ;)

    What by Zeus' beard is going on????

    xNiallerx schreef:
    I just love English, it's like my second language ;)

    That's okay, but not everyone on this website can speak/write/understand English as well as you can. Perhaps it's a good idea to type in Dutch next time, so that everyone understands it immediately.

    Then, about your problem; talk to your parents about this. Write it all down if you need to. Perhaps they'll understand how serious you are if they can see it instead of hearing it from you. My parents work the exact same way, it's like they're deaf and can only read what I mean on paper.

    Waarom ga ik nu ook in het Engels praten? :'D

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juli 2012 - 23:18 ]

    Ik kijk uit het raam, naar de lucht en de zon, ik loop naar buiten en flikker van het balkon.

    But togheter we can act like little children
    Don't be afraid to be yourself sweetie
    Believe me, I know it's difficult. But you are who you are. Talk with your parents, I will help if you want that.
    Know that, altough next year we go to different schools and stuf, you can always call me if you want, even if it's in the middle of the night
    Cause that's were friends are there for you
    Just believe me, you're perfect the way you are.
    I will be always on your side, I believe in you and your dreams. Cause I know that's the most important thing in your life, Believe.
    And when you can't believe, call me, text me, whatever. Cause I will make you feel special, I will believe in you. Every day, Every hour, Every second. I will be there for you. I know what you can do. With me you can be who ever you want to be. Cause I don't care. Follow your dreams sweetie. I believe in you
    Just Believe

    Just wanted you to know that

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juli 2012 - 23:25 ]

    L.S.H.I.F.O.M.D.W.I.D.H.O. Laughing so hard I fell off my dinosaur, wait, I don't have one

    Why in English? Although it doesn't matter ,because I'm too lazy to read everything around this time. It's a bit late you know so my brain acts like a zombie :'p.

    Wat er ook in staat toch sterkte.

    Shoganai i ne~

    xlufjoetoexx schreef:
    No offense, maar waarom die hele tekst in het Engels? ;s

    En spijtig voor jou... Praat er dan eens over met je ouders? Zeg gewoon wat je hier hebt gezegd, of laat het ze dit topic lezen. Het laten lezen is soms gemakkelijker dan het zeggen.

    Enjoy the best things in you life, cause you aint gonna live it twice.