ik zag deze al een hele tijd niet op quizlet:) dus ik begin er 1, sorry als er al eentje is. begin maar bij mij(A) P.S. je moet cijfers geven;)
[ bericht aangepast op 9 juli 2012 - 22:27 ]
You can't not look cool with a crossbow.
8 haha
And remember that, in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman.
Ex astris, sciencia
'The best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.' - Effy Stonem.
And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.
"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” - C.S. Lewis
0. Ik zie geen signature.
Life is all about having a good time.
Physics is awesome
Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful, everything she doesn't see
Zaldrizes buzdari iksos daor. Maester > Zaldrizes
If the compass breaks then follow your heart and I hope it leads you right back into my arms.
Zelfs de kleinste ster schittert in het donker
8 (:
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind