• Obama threatens to veto CISPA!‏


    In an extraordinary move, President Obama just issued a statement saying he would veto CISPA were it to reach his desk unamended.

    With this latest development, the tech companies in support of this bill are becoming increasingly isolated. If we can peel them off, it's unlikely CISPA will pass unless radically altered.

    Access wrote to every tech company who supported CISPA telling them of your opposition. Yesterday, thanks to you, our petition doubled in numbers. With the House set to vote on CISPA on Friday, the next 24 hours will be critical.

    While the President has spoken out, the tech companies have been conspicuously silent. You've already taken action on this bill, but we need your friends and family to do so as well if we want tech companies to flip their position. Help us get to 50,000 before Friday's vote.

    Share the petition now with your friends and family by going to the link below and using our new social media tools:


    Keep up the fight,
    The Access Team

    PS: You can read the full White House statement here.

    Houden die klote wetten dan echt nooit op met aan komen waaien? Of gaan ze gewoon door tot wij het een keer al zuchtend toelaten en dan nog meer van onze privacy in moeten leveren?

    Til hug og blod.

    Aife schreef:
    Nu ben ik wel eens met de stelling: 'Amerika heeft te veel macht.'
    Suckers. >.<

    comfort in c h a o s

    Eyes schreef:
    Ik vind het bespottelijk dat we privacy moeten inleveren omdat veel mensen downloaden, daar hadden ze maar over moeten nadenken toen internet net bekend was maar nu het proberen aan te pakken omdat artiesten en bedrijven geld verliezen aan downloads is vreemd want die artiesten platenmaatschappijen en bedrijven verdienen meestal meer dan het gemiddelde salaris in welk land dan ook.

    Fixed that for you.