eh,nou, ik begin wel. your tears don't fall, yaay<3 next[a]
your eyes are like stars in the night.
Poepie ! xd
I live for the applause, you will die for it.
life is life was paar seconde geleden op tv.
Hyde x'd (Iemand van That 70's Show (L))
Phaha x')
We'll never be as young as we are tonight
Love,,Peace&&Icecream! ^^ Liefde aan een paar mensen...
We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.
pandapoep ><
Change The Changeable, Accept The Unchangeable, And Remove Yourself From The Unacceptable
bamboe vreten!
pizza!(ik hou ni eens van pizza)
Je bent nooit uitgeleerd.
Welcom 2 my life
moet nog té veel leren
It's not what you say, it's about the way you say it.
Naturel chips
You can never wear to much black
Thank you that it is the morning of another day..
porn haaah zo van elkaar porren zo omda wij da alsa doen in sgool
Gilles (ll)