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    - The last look back is black -

    Fayan schreef:

    OH MY GOD D:
    Straks durf ik niet meer naar de wc (cat)

    Ik ben blij dat ik niet de enigste ben die hier bang voor is :X:X

    - The last look back is black -

    "Robbing someone of their smile and putting it on your face doesn’t make you happy." - Tablo

    Applejack schreef:

    So wrong, in somany ways, seriously ^_^

    Writers write, to give their readers something to read

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Trouwens, hoe langer ik hier naar kijk..
    Hoe dichterbij hij komt XD. Mijn hersens doen raar als ze ziek zijn.

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    :') <3

    ars moriendi

    ars moriendi

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.

    - The last look back is black -

    Raveness schreef:

    This is the remarkable moment when a tiger bowed its head and placed a paw up to the hand of a small girl.

    Photographer Dyrk Daniels noticed the 370lb Golden Bengal Tiger had taken an interest in the child, who was leaning against his glass enclosure.

    As the tiger, called Taj, headed over to her, Mr Daniels got his camera ready, expecting him to snarl and bang against the glass.

    ‘I noticed that Taj had taken an interest in the girl and was heading towards her.

    ‘I thought for certain that the little girl would need therapy after the encounter and fear cats for the rest of her life.

    `I could not believe my eyes when Taj approached the girl, bowed his head and then placed his huge right paw exactly in front of where the little girl’s left hand was.
    ‘It was incredible to watch. Taj let down his right paw, rubbed his cheek against the glass where the little girl’s face was and moved off.’
    Far from being scared, the little girl was so excited that she started clapping as she walked back afterwards towards her mother.
    ‘I have never seen such tenderness from such a large predator,’ Mr Daniels said.

    - The last look back is black -


    - The last look back is black -

    Raveness schreef:


    Oh plz, yes yes yes! :'D

    Bloedspetters besmeuren de muren van de ruïnes, van iets wat men ooit een beschaving noemde maar al lang is vernietigt.

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    [ bericht aangepast op 1 nov 2011 - 14:06 ]

    ars moriendi