• If you are a Mutant, join us!

    Quizlet's Mutants:
    Neela ~ Havok and Cyclops
    Abernathy ~ Banshee and Iceman
    Horan ~ The young Charles and Pyro
    AriaM ~ Wolverine and Mystique
    Altair ~ Angel and Nightcrawler
    Gary ~ Magneto and Beast

    Never Forget, Mutant And Proud

    Add your favorite mutants and chat about the greatest movies ever made!

    Not just pain and anger.

    The nature of love II Havok II X-Men
    Cursed gifts -one directions(x-men)
    The Resemblance (X-Men First Class Standalone)

    Test here what your mutant power is!

    Make your own mutant!

    A new species is being born.
    Help me guide it, shape it, lead it

    Caution first, always.

    omg he we hebben een opdracht in de klas gekregen he (ontwerp je eigen speelkaarten, je moet 3 sets hebben.)

    1 keer raden welke thema ik meteen greep xD

    Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs.

    "Je mehr sympathisch er ist, desto mehr tödliche er ist."

    -“The more likable he is, the more deadly he is.”-

    Lina, deze moet je wel kennen

    You gave me forever within the numbered days and I am grateful.

    CrispsPink schreef:
    Íslendingar geta, ef þú æfa bara

    Ég er alvarlega misboðið
    -Mensen kunnen wel Ijslands, als je maar oefent

    Ik ben nu zwaar beledigt-


    You keep breathing, that doesn’t mean you’re alive - TABLO (Tommorrow)

    * Cyberhug *

    Gleyma Bieberfever, ég fékk sýkingu eina átt


    Forget the Bieberfever, i got the One Direction infection-

    You gave me forever within the numbered days and I am grateful.

    Ég verð að fara

    Ik moet gaan

    [ bericht aangepast op 11 okt 2011 - 20:16 ]

    You gave me forever within the numbered days and I am grateful.

    eerste gedeelte geen reactie (kijkt droog - hate him)
    tweede gedeelte (dance) so in, i'm heavy infected (yeah)

    Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs.


    Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs.

    [ bericht aangepast op 11 okt 2011 - 20:22 ]

    You keep breathing, that doesn’t mean you’re alive - TABLO (Tommorrow)

    Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs.

    What are you doing, Neela?

    You gave me forever within the numbered days and I am grateful.

    nieuw hoofdstuik schrijven aan past hollowed dreams;)

    Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs.

    That's very interesting

    You gave me forever within the numbered days and I am grateful.

    haha indeed (ookal had ik moeten studeren vandaag xD)
    and what are you doing?

    Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs.

    Oh, I'm just writing something for a contest

    You gave me forever within the numbered days and I am grateful.

    haha so were both writing
    Were the twin writing girls :$

    Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs.