• Mijn broertje van 4 zei net ' I Love You ' tegen me! Is dat niet schattig?!:9~ Haha, alleen klonk het wel eeen beetje als ' Ai Laaf You '. Mijn broertje is pas 4 maar ik ben het meest close met hem:D. Zoo lieff!(flower)

    I will be.

    Aaawh, smeltmomentje. :9~

    Aww dat is lief :9~

    WEAREYOUNG schreef:
    Aaawh, smeltmomentje. :9~

    It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.

    Ahw, wat cute. (krul)

    I know there's a way so I promise: 'I'm gonna clean up the mess I made'

    Waarom heb ik niet zo'n broertje?! (cat)
    Soooo cute! :9~

    "No matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb" - Dear John

    WEAREYOUNG schreef:
    Aaawh, smeltmomentje. :9~

    Don't fashion me into a maiden that needs saving from a dragon. I am the dragon, and I will eat you whole.

    Wacht maar tot hij groter is (krul) & geniet nu hij nog klein is haha.


    Wat schattig!

    "Stay beautiful. Keep it ugly."

    WEAREYOUNG schreef:
    Aaawh, smeltmomentje. :9~

    He says: "Live fast and die young, forget the past and move on. What's done is done."

    WEAREYOUNG schreef:
    Aaawh, smeltmomentje. :9~

    Shoganai i ne~

    Aahw zo lief! (:

    Love is Big. Love is Small. Love is Great . LOVE IS ALL!

    Gosh, wat schattig zeg (flower)

    I knew it, from the moment our eyes met. It was meant to be, just you and me.

    WEAREYOUNG schreef:
    Aaawh, smeltmomentje. :9~

    Today is the oldest you have ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be.

    Jawaad schreef:
    Waarom heb ik niet zo'n broertje?! (cat)
    Soooo cute! :9~

    Normaal is het gemiddelde van alle afwijkingen

    WEAREYOUNG schreef:
    Aaawh, smeltmomentje. :9~

    I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.