• Omdat de vorige vol zat, is hier deel twee,

    Hier kan je lekker praten over Drarry (Draco+Harry), en plaatjes dumpen. (En ik weet dat er HP photo topics zijn, maar deze is dan wat gerichter op Drarry.)

    Als je Drarry niet leuk vind, is dat oké maar wees dan ook zo sportief om dit topic met rust te laten (:

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 aug 2011 - 19:38 ]

    If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

    Herabera schreef:

    Yes he is!!
    I stalk him on twitter.

    Hahaha, ik heb wel Twitter, maar ik zit er nooit op. D:
    Ik heb gelijk 10 volgers of zo. :')
    Ik heb het meer voor Quizlet. -a-

    Om het nog een beetje Drarry te houden:

    laat maar -_-'
    geen reclame op dit topic

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 aug 2011 - 13:30 ]

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    I truly love Tom's humour. :3

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    It's Harry Felton!! O.O XD

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Escritura schreef:
    It's Harry Felton!! O.O XD

    Dat is Tom's eigen interpretatie van Drarry. :'D

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Orchideous schreef:

    Dat is Tom's eigen interpretatie van Drarry. :'D

    Zo gaat hun baby eruit zien :Y)

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Escritura schreef:

    Zo gaat hun baby eruit zien :Y)

    Awh wittle Drarrys. :3

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Escritura schreef:

    Zo gaat hun baby eruit zien :Y)

    Wow, als Harry er vandoor gaat met Draco, trouw ik met hun kindje! =D

    Mensen, stuur foto's. Ik kan niet zonder. _O_

    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

    Romanian schreef:
    Mensen, stuur foto's. Ik kan niet zonder. _O_

    Sorry, ik heb niets meer. D:


    There is a story to this video. Please press 'Pause' before you read this.

    When Draco asked Harry for friendship in their first year, Harry had declined. Ever since then Draco finds himself jealous of the trio and it's in his sixth year that he has begun to look at Harry more. He starts contrasting the way Harry looked back then to they way he looks now. Then, in a matter of weeks, Draco realizes that from the beginning, it wasn't that he envied the friendship that Hermione and Ron had with Harry. It was that he liked Harry from the moment he saw him and wanted to be friends with him.

    And maybe more.

    All the while this is happening, Draco has the mission to kill Dumbledore but he doesn't want to do it at all. Meanwhile, Harry notices Draco acting weird and in turn starts thinking more about him and starts following him. He slowly begins to like him without realizing it.

    Ginny, who loves Harry, realizes Harry's feelings and so, she tries to make Harry like her. Harry doesn't but she feels that if she kisses him, he will.

    Like many other days, Harry follows Draco, trying to find out why he's acting so out-of-character. When Harry feels that he has cornered him, he steps out of the shadows, only to see Ginny there, waiting for him. Harry is dumbfounded as she walks up to him and kisses him. Right at that moment, Draco comes out of the Room of Requirement, where he can't been seen. He does, however, witness the kiss that Harry and Ginny shared. With anger and sadness, Draco abruptly walks away.

    Meanwhile, Harry is disgusted and leaves Ginny, in shock of what she did.
    Draco, on the other hand, is distraught and miserable and makes a most irrational decision. He is going to stun Ginny.

    Harry starts thinking about Draco again, realizing he missed the Draco who teased him before, unconscious to Draco's plans. Harry sees he has to apologize to Ginny however, and so he goes to the Hogwarts Grounds where he last saw her.

    Draco is about to stun Ginny when Harry gets there. He then protects her. Draco sees this as betrayal and so he gets flashbacks of Harry smiling at him and all the good things that made him like Harry. They fight and then Fenrir Greyback comes to tell Draco he's failed the mission and has come to kill him. Harry tries to fight him off but Greyback disarms him and sends him to the ground.

    Ginny is horrified as Greyback approaches Malfoy and
    kills him. He leaves and Harry cries as Ginny tries to comfort him.

    A funeral is made in Hogwarts in Draco's memory.
    Six years later,

    The trio go to a pub later and Harry sees someone

    Draco is still alive.

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Orchideous schreef:

    geniaal x]

    Shoganai i ne~

    Haha deze moest gewoon. :9~

    None but ourselves can free our minds.

    None but ourselves can free our minds.