• Dat is echt een van mijn favoriete zinnen, die natuurlijk wordt uitgesproken door Draco Malfoy. _O_
    Ironisch dat ik dan Mudblood als inlognaam heb, maar ik vind het gewoon lekker klinken.

    Wat is jullie favoriete zin van één van de Harry Potter characters? :'D

    "Well, well. Look who we've got here!"

    Prime schreef:
    'Not my daughter, you bitch!' ~ Molly Weasley

    Volgens de ondertiteling stond er 'jij takkewijf!'.
    Ik ging plat : D

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 juli 2011 - 15:58 ]

    Has no one told you she's not breathing?

    Apophis schreef:
    McGonagall: Why is it, that whenever anything happens, it's always you three?
    Ron: Believe me, Professor. I’ve been asking myself that same question for the past six years.

    die vind ik zwaar geniaal :P

    maar de meeste vind ik wel leuk:)

    "Because I'm with you until the end of the line." - Stucky

    Prime schreef:
    'My father will hear about this!' ~ Draco Malfoy
    'Not my daughter, you bitch!' ~ Molly Weasley
    'Bloody hell.' ~ Ron Weasley
    'We could have been killed! Or even worse, expelled!' ~ Hermione Granger
    'I always wanted to use that spell.' ~ McGonagall
    'Dobby does not wish to kill. Dobby only wishes to seriously injure or maim.' - Dobby


    I was an angel living in the garden of evil

    Hallo, waarom zegt niemand iets over de wijze uitspraken van Dumbledore/Perkamentus? ;o
    "To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
    "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
    “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
    "There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 juli 2011 - 18:39 ]

    ''i appreciate the masterpiece that is you because your existence alone is art''

    "I hate spiders" Van RON _O_

    Owl you need is love.

    Prime schreef:

    Niks Fred en George! The Marauders! Oftewel Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin en -helaas- Peter Pettigrew.

    Helaas voor hen allemaal, sorry, ik heb een zware hekel aan the Mauraders... Echt, dat ego van James Potter is zo groot, dat het me verbaast dat hij nog uit zijn stoel overeind komt...

    Hackers suck - and so do you, assh*le

    "Oh, very good," interrupted Snape, his lip curling. "Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'"

    dit was mijn favoriet, by the way. I just love Snape :)

    Hackers suck - and so do you, assh*le

    Ik zei het vandaag tegen mijn zus, die keek me aan met een "wtf" gezicht en zei toen: 'Wat is een madblad?' Whahaha fail =x

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    dulcetly schreef:
    Alles dat Draco zegt is gewoon epic (:

    True. My father will hear about this!
    Vooral ook George met zijn 'Morning!' en Luna met: 'You're just as sane as I am.'

    Have you ever had sex with a piece of fruit? Was it a melon? [Nathan Young]

    Perestrojka schreef:
    "Oh, very good," interrupted Snape, his lip curling. "Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'"

    dit was mijn favoriet, by the way. I just love Snape :)

    My god, die is zo goed.

    Have you ever had sex with a piece of fruit? Was it a melon? [Nathan Young]

    ''Spiders!, Why does it have to be Follow the Spiders? Why couldn't it be, follow the butterflies?'' - Ron.

    C18 schreef:
    Oh, ik vond die van Anderling ook zo geniaal goed:
    'I always wanted to use that spell.' De hele bioszaal lag plat.


    Define "good".

    You filthy little loathsome cockroach ~ Hermione Granger.
    Ron Weasly, you are the most unfortunate wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet.~ Hermione Granger.

    Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

    Het is niet omdat jij de emotionele rijkweidte van een telepeltje hebt dat dat voor iedereen zo is- Hermelien

    Define "good".

    "Yeah? You and whose army?!" - Neville

    Niet specifiek de quote maar gewoon de manier waarop :')

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.