Dear Mom and Dad,

It was never my intention to leave like this. You should know that I'm ok and I'm happy here. Dan is taking good care of me and I allready made some new friends. England is very different from Holland, besides the weather; wich is pretty much the same here. I havn't found a job jet but I'm trying hard to find one. Soon, when the baby is here, I'll have to move out because Dan's appartment is to small for all of us. But don't worry I'll be fine.

I'll talk to you very soon, Miss you guys.
Love, Sophie


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
OO1. The escape [Logan Lerman] 554 448 1 decennium geleden
OO2. A blast from the past [Logan Lerman] 809 322 1 decennium geleden
OO3. Still in the past [Logan Lerman] 454 241 1 decennium geleden
Introducing: Sophie 181 258 1 decennium geleden
OO4. 65 Regents Park Road [Logan Lerman] 722 294 1 decennium geleden

Reageer (1)

  • xMinoes

    woow. jaar geleden aangepast. Zonde je hebt echt talent! :) hoop dat je toch nog doorgaat.

    1 decennium geleden

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