|| Shattered||

Being away from you, is the most painful thing I had to deal with. Especially when it's just part of their lies.

Aiden's birthday was the last normal day he had, when things suddenly came crushing down. It made him see how much people lie to get what they want out of him and out of the world. Pushing him on the edge with the relationship he has with Phoebe. She would do everything for him, even if it meant for her to die. Their love that gets to be impossible the longer it holds on.

- Engels geschreven
- Fantasy
- Onbekende personen
- Doet mee aan de SOTY 2024 met de thema: Verboden Liefde
- Begonnen op 1 Maart 2024
- Alles wat ik schrijf heeft geen feitelijk achtergrond, dit is puur fictie.
- Sorry als mijn Engels slecht is, ik ben niet geweldig met taal, maar ik wilde gewoon graag Engels schrijven. c:


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