Hazel is a typical 17 year old girl: a little insecure, mediocre grades, spends all her allowance on books and is still finding herself in her relationship with Kevin, who doesn’t really like her hobbies but makes her feel like a princess when he picks her up from school or tells her she looks pretty. One day, she crosses paths with Pip, a witchy art school student who teaches her that she does not need to conform to everything that society has taught her, and that occasionally being scared of your boyfriend isn’t really normal.


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Chapter 1: Books 1511 45 1 jaar geleden
Chapter 2: Booze 1319 34 1 jaar geleden
Chapter 3: Joke 2134 42 1 jaar geleden
Chapter 4: Tea 1408 42 1 jaar geleden
Chapter 5: Texts 1080 41 1 jaar geleden
Chapter 6: Dress 2040 37 1 jaar geleden
Chapter 7: Drunk 1078 39 1 jaar geleden
Chapter 8: Ditched 1498 11 4 maanden geleden

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