It's Friday Night when four friends visit each other to watch a movie together. It turned out that it had to be a scary movie. So the four friends decided to watch a couple of this movies. Later that night one the friends came with an idea.
'Why don't we make our own scary movie?'

None of the four friends would ever know that it would turned out this wrong...

*I'm writing in Dutch
*Based on Scream and maybe other movies
*16+ included, but I'll mention that in the title


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Prologue 389 119 7 jaar geleden
Chapter 1. A little phone call 567 142 7 jaar geleden
Chapter 2. The Arrival 768 89 6 jaar geleden

Reageer (2)

  • Amazon_Olympian

    Heb toevallig pas geleden weer eens Scream gekeken. Ik zeg abo, ben benieuwd xD

    7 jaar geleden
  • Douceur

    Klinkt leuk! Abo (:

    7 jaar geleden

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