Nobody ever explained it to me. Nobody wanted to answer my question. The one question was: 'Who was more courageous? My mother, who had lost everything and became the strongest woman I have ever known? Or my father, who was voluntarily sent out to fight for his country in the first world war? The family members I asked told me never to compare the two of them to each other. And that was all there was to it.

My mother, she never really talked about my father. She talked about a lot of things. Things of her past. Things in her life that she lost. Her dreams. Her hope, at one point. But she never talked about my father. I never knew a single thing about him, only that he died at a young age, and that his name was William Edwards. I never got to know him until, after my mother died, I got to read their letters, and her story.

Only after my mother's death, my aunt dared talk about my father. She hadn't known him very well, not as well as my uncle had, but she knew that they belonged together. She knew it from the first moment she saw them together.
I guess it doesn't really matter.
Both of them lived at the edge of courage in this time of sorrow, grief and death.

'Our generation will never be new again. Our youth has been stolen from us. But I won't abandon you. That is my promise to you. All of you.'


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Prologue. 1618 325 1 decennium geleden
Chapter One. 1221 230 1 decennium geleden
Chapter Two. 1032 215 1 decennium geleden
Chapter Three. 1880 133 8 jaar geleden

Reageer (1)

  • SnoopyTheDog

    Abo c:
    Geweldige schrijfstijl heb je, zeker zo doorgaan :3
    En iedereen die dit bericht leest; Neem een abo, deze story is het waard!

    1 decennium geleden

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