Beauty is momentary in the mind-- The fitful tracing of a portal; But in the flesh it is immortal.

- Wallace Stevens

I'm dead (serious) || 1186 woorden
Kieren and Simon make out and Jem is a philosophical drunk.
      “Are you drunk?”
      “Nooo. I don't know where you’d get that idea.”
      “She’s definitely drunk,” Simon confirmed.
      “Oh, shut up, old fusspots.”

It seems hard (for me to explain) || 1137 woorden
There were people in this world, Simon knew, that vowed they believed in nothing and nobody. Simon also knew that those people were liars.

Washing the dust of daily life off our souls || 998 woorden
Simon finds out Kieren did a drawing of him and hung it on his wall.
      “You drew me.”
      “Yeah,” he admitted slowly, because there was no way around this. “I did.”

In The Flesh is (helaas, helaas) niet van mij.

© Square


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
I'm dead (serious) 1186 241 9 jaar geleden
It seems hard (for me to explain) 1137 168 9 jaar geleden
Washing the dust of daily life off our souls 998 215 9 jaar geleden

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