A scientist Daizy Smith from the year 2020 has found a way to make her next lives remember al the lives they had untill herself. Right now it's the year 3044 and the latest life from Daizy Smith, Saffire Delta has come to her secret underground bunker on the abandond earth. With only fourteen people per generation left of humans who all live on Mars. Saffire has to make the earth habitable again before life on Mars can't continieu either.


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
1.1: Starting Life 199 75 9 jaar geleden
1.2: Starting Life 206 79 9 jaar geleden
1.3: Starting Life 379 105 9 jaar geleden
1.4: Starting Life 210 79 9 jaar geleden
1.5: Starting Life 177 76 9 jaar geleden
1.6: Starting Life 217 57 9 jaar geleden

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