I trusted you with my heart but you left me alone
with pain in my heart I say goodbye
I will not let go I do not wanna lose you
but what you did caused me so much pain
I keep thinking about you but I have to forget
you move to france and I stay here
I stand with my girlfriend at the airport
I watch you one more time
my eyes fill with tears
you come to me and give me one last hug
Slowly touch our lips together
I am sure I should let you go
with pain in my heart let me go
but my heart says, go after him!
this is what I want to do I choose the right one?
I want you I can not live without you
I pack my things and go to him
I see him walking
I want to go to him
it is too late he walks hand in hand with a strange girl
huilent I walk to the hotel


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