Nineteen years ago, an angel was born.

His name is Niall James Horan.

This boy, was meant to change my life. Forever…

Because of him, I feel beautiful and unique again. Because of him, I'm not afraid to show who I really am. I'm not afraid to dream and fight for my dreams. 'Cause he showed me that dreams DO come true! There are so many reasons why I love him...

I love him because, well, because...

When he says ‘Potatoes’ always puts a smile on my face.

Because even when he eat so many times on a day…

Because that he laugh about everything...

Because he is he...

And then, hopefully changed his mind, he made me understand that when you have a dream. You gotta be willing to fight for it, and sometimes this means that you have to go against to what you feel... That there are always obstacles, there are always problems. But that made you realise where you're going for.. It tells you what's it really worth to fight for, sure you'll get scars. Little ones and big ones. And every scar tells a story.. But together they will tell your story, and they all say: ''I was deeply wounded, but I survive, and I'll follow my dreams''

I love him because, every time I see these beautiful blue eyes, with these thick gorgeous eyelashes. Combined with his perfect smile and his lush lips... I can’t help but think... Is he even reall!?

I love him because, every time I hear his angelic voice, makes me smelt... His voice is like my medicine, I may be sad and depressed. But when I hear him sing, I forget everything.

He’s the definition of perfection. A true angel fallen from heaven. You can say everything 'bout me. say that I'm ugly, say that I'm ugly. Say that I'm too hyper. I don't care! But DON'T say anything 'bout him, 'cause he don't deserve it! He's perfect! Perfect in every single way!
So thank you, Niall Horan. Thank you for making me understand how beautiful life is..

Thank you for changing my life.

All I'm trying to say is, I'm in love with you Niall, and all your little things.

Kan 16+ momenten bevatten.
Start: 1-5-2013


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