Van welk district kom jij?

[Hunger Games Quiz]
Panem, verdeeld in 12 districten (voorheen 13 districten) en een Capitool. Elk district heeft een eigen industrie, kenmerkend voor dat district. In welk district zou jij thuishoren?

Mogelijke uitkomsten

The Capitol (7 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het beste in het Capitool. Het Capitool wordt beschreven als de extravagante hoofdstad van Panem, waar mensen alles doen om er zo raar mogelijk uit te zien.

The Capitol is the seat of Panem's brutal, totalitarian government and is located in the northwestern Rocky Mountains of the former United States and Canada. Panem is surrounded by twelve outlying districts over which it exercises hegemony.[2] The Capitol is the home of the dictatorial President Coriolanus Snow and several major characters.
Citizens of the Capitol are far removed from the deprivation and open oppression of the twelve Districts, and are generally preoccupied with fashion, parties, and mass entertainment like the Hunger Games. Most Capitol citizens depicted in the novels appear either ignorant of, or totally unconcerned with, the poverty and desperation that prevails elsewhere in Panem. Compared with the Districts, the Capitol is extremely wealthy and technologically advanced, with citizens enjoying a very high standard of living. Visiting tributes, who have grown up with the constant threat of starvation, are shocked by what they consider wasteful decadence in the Capitol. For example, the selection of dishes served at parties is commonly far greater than one person could sample, so it is usual to provide emetic beverages to induce vomiting, allowing guests to continue eating. Due to this extravagant lifestyle, it is rare for Capitol citizens to join the Peacekeepers, as it requires its soldiers to avoid marriage for twenty years.
Citizens of the Capitol are culturally distinct from those of the Districts, speaking with a characteristic accent and choosing first names of ancient Roman derivation, with the city itself having a distinctly modernized version of Roman architecture. The fashions of the Capitol are exotic and ostentatious, with citizens dyeing their skin and hair vivid colors, adopting tattoos, and undergoing extensive surgical alteration in the name of style. The Capitol accent is distinctive, said to sound "silly" and effete to people from the Districts; the accent is described as being "high-pitched with clipped tones and odd vowels". The letter 's' is a hiss and the tone rises at the end of every sentence, as if the speaker is asking a question.[3]
Residents of the Capitol cannot be chosen as tributes for the Hunger Games, as the Games were instituted as a punishment for the twelve remaining districts of Panem for their failed rebellion. The Games are an annual cause for celebration in the Capitol; citizens gamble on the tributes and sponsor their favorites in the arena, providing water, food, weapons, and other necessary provisions. Past victors are often able to cultivate celebrity status in the Capitol. Despite the bloodthirsty nature of the Games, the people of the Capitol are shown to be vulnerable to sentimentality and melodrama, becoming emotionally invested in the tributes, a fact ultimately manipulated by Katniss and Peeta.

District 1 (0 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het beste in district 1. District 1 is het rijkste district van Panem, de industrie van district 1 is luxe producten. De tributen uit district 1 worden vaak Careers in de arena en worden beschreven als bloeddorstig en meedogenloos.

District 1 is one of the wealthiest districts of Panem. Its primary industry is manufacturing luxury items for the Capitol. Some of them include diamonds and most likely other precious gems. It seems that parents name their children after the names of precious items and their attributes, which may be a reflection on their "glamorous" nature. Children in District 1 almost always seem to take pride in competing in the Games, and are among the group of tributes that band together to pick off the weak, called the Careers. On the victory tour, Katniss mentions that she feels awkward going into District 1, as she killed both of the district's tributes. Katniss also notes how their costumes are always the best and how ridiculous the district names are for their children.

District 2 (11 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het beste in district 2. District 2 is, net als district 1, één van de rijkste districten van Panem. De industrie van district 2 is het klaarstomen van peacekeepers. Ook worden er wapens gefabriceerd en zijn er steenmijnen. Tributen uit district 2 zijn Careers, en worden beschreven als bloeddorstig en meedogenloos.

District 2 is one of the wealthiest districts of Panem. It is where most of the Peacekeepers are trained and weapons are manufactured, but originally specialized only in mining and stone cutting. Publicly it is presented as the nation's stone quarries, just as District 13 was known for graphite mining. After the first rebellion, District 2 was rewarded with better treatment and living conditions for their citizens because of its loyalty to the Capitol. It is in the Rocky Mountains, near the Capitol itself. The district is made up of many small villages, each based around a mine. Although they get preferential treatment from the Capitol, the quarry workers suffer as much as any other district, and the district as a whole is not excluded from the annual Hunger Games.

District 3 (6 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het best bij district 3. De industrie van district 3 is Technologie. In de arena hebben de tributen van district 3 geen vaste bondgenoten of genootschappen.

District 3's main industry is technology. They specialize in televisions and computers. Before the rebellion it was one of the richest districts in Panem. In Catching Fire during the victory tour, Katniss notices this is one of the districts, along with 8 and 4, that shows the most happiness to see her, suggesting that they are one of the more rebellious districts. It is implied in Catching Fire that their citizens lived in abject poverty, as they were one of the first districts to start an uprising. Most of its inhabitants work in factories and are very well adept with engineering. The bread from this district is bite-sized square-shaped rolls.

District 4 (27 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het beste bij district 4. District is, net als district 1 en 2, een van de rijkere districten van Panem. De industrie van district 4 is visserij door de aangelegen zee. Tributen uit district 4 worden doorgaans Careers in de arena, en worden beschreven als bloeddorstig en meedogenloos.

District 4 is one of the wealthier districts of Panem. Its industry is fishing, which is useful for tributes in the Games as they have experience in using nets and tridents, making fishhooks from scratch, swimming, and identifying edible sea life. In Catching Fire, Katniss notices during her victory tour that District 4, along with 3 and 8, seemed happy to see her, suggesting that it is a rebellious district.
Being one of the wealthier districts, District 4 tends to produce Career Tributes who volunteer to participate in The Hunger Games. This is also the case for Districts 1 and 2. These children are raised to win the Games, making them stronger and much more capable of winning than the average tribute. The bread is a salty, fish-shaped loaf, tinted green by seaweed. Their source of income is fishing.

District 5 (27 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het beste in district 5. De industrie van district 5 is energie, 5 is verantwoordelijk voor de energie van heel Panem. In de arena hebben de tributen uit district 5 geen vaste bondgenoten of genootschappen.

District 5 is one of the twelve districts of the country Panem. It's main industry is power and electricity. Therefore, this district is responsibly for generating the power of the entire nation.

District 6 (6 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het beste in district 6. De industrie van district 6 is transport, zoals treinen, hovercrafts, auto's en helikopters. In de arena hebben de tributen uit district 6 geen vaste bondgenoten of genootschappen.

District 6 is one of the 12 districts of Panem. Though never mentioned in the books, according to the official movie promotional page "Capitol.Pn", this district's principal industry is transportation. It was heavily bombed by the Capitol's Air Forces during the Second Rebellion. It is hinted that Morphling (drug) addiction may have been a district-wide issue because of the victors of the district Katniss nicknamed "Morphlings" that were addicted to the painkiller.

District 7 (49 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het best in district 7. De industrie van district 7 is hout, waarbij ze alle soorten hout (zoals meubilair en brandhout) verzorgen. De tributen uit district 7 hebben in de arena geen vaste bondgenoten of genootschappen.

District 7 is one of the districts of the nation Panem. District 7 provides lumber for the Capitol, and are known to be good with axes. District 7 is apparently covered in large portions of forest. According to Johanna Mason, the tributes have been dressing up as trees for 40 years during the parade in the Captiol.

District 8 (12 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het best in district 8. District 8's industrie is textiel, waarbij ze voor al de soorten kleding voor het Capitool zorgen. De tributen uit district 8 hebben in de arena geen vaste bondgenoten of bondgenootschappen.

District 8 is one of the districts of Panem. Its main industry is making textiles and clothing. They have at least one factory that is primarily used for making Peacekeeper uniforms. Incomes in District 8 must be fairly low, as Twill mentions that she puts in a four hour shift in a Peacekeeper Uniform factory after her full time job as a teacher. Bonnie, a child, also mentions putting in a four hour shift after she gets out of school. Katniss describes District 8 as "an ugly, urban place stinking of industrial fumes, the people housed in run down tenements, barely a blade of grass in sight".

District 9 (19 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het beste in district 9. De industrie van district 9 is graan. In de arena hebben de tributen uit 9 geen vaste bondgenoten of bondgenootschappen.

District 9 is one of the 12 districts of Panem. Though the industry of the district was never mentioned in the books, according to the movie's promotional page "Capitol.Pn", it is the district responsible for grain. It is mentioned once that District 9 has many factories, probably for grain processing.

District 10 (8 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het beste in district 10. De industrie van 10 is veehouderij, waarbij ze het vlees voor het Capitool produceren. De tributen uit 10 hebben geen vaste bondgenoten of bondgenootschappen.

District 10 is one of the districts of Panem. Though only hinted at in the books, according to the promotional movie website "", this district's main industry is livestock, such as cattle to provide beef for the Capitol.

District 11 (15 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het best in district 11. District 11 is, na district 12, het armste district van Panem. De industrie van district 11 is Agriculture, zoals bijvoorbeeld groente en fruit. De tributen uit 11 hebben in de Spelen geen vaste bondgenoten of genootschappen.

District 11 is one of the poorer districts, right after District 12 in the nation of Panem. Their industry is agriculture; orchards, fields of wheat, and cotton surround the district. Almost everything they grow goes to the Capitol, despite their starvation; if any citizen of District 11 is caught eating any of the crops, they are to be whipped in public. Its inhabitants are described as having dark brown skin as described in the physical traits of Rue, Thresh, and Chaff.

District 12 (6 x uitgekomen)

Jij past het best in district 12. District 12 is het armste district van Panem. Ddistrict 12's industrie betreft het werken in de mijn, vooral steenkoolmijnen. Tributen uit district 12 hebben geen vaste bondgenoten of genootschappen.

Located in the mountains, and with a population of around 8,000 people, District 12 specialized in coal mining.[1] District 12 had not won the Games for many years prior to The Hunger Games, when Haymitch Abernathy, now an alcoholic and an embarrassment to the district, won the 50th Annual Games, or the second Quarter Quell.



Reageer (17)

  • Anonycat

    4 xD

    7 jaar geleden
  • Samanthablaze

    District 11

    8 jaar geleden
  • Feadin

    District 5 bij een andere quiz was het 3

    1 decennium geleden
  • mette3


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  • mette3

    leuke quiz ik leer er veel van! (lol)

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