Which My Little Pony are you?

Are you cheerful like Pinkie Pie, smart like Twilight Sparkle or shy like Fluttershy? Take the quiz and find out!

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Pinkie Pie (33 x uitgekomen)

You are fun, cheerful and love to party! You care about your friends a lot and love to make them laugh. You also love to laugh and have fun yourself. You are anything but boring and are always full of surprises!

Rarity (4 x uitgekomen)

You are kind and generous. You are also up-to-date with the current fashion and love doing make-overs with your friends! You care for your appearance and like to look good. You are also very well-mannered and love to share. You're a very nice person to be around!

Fluttershy (12 x uitgekomen)

You are quiet and very, very shy. Upon meeting new people your words will be reduced to whispers and whimpers and you'd rather be alone or hide than being in a big group of people. You are a very kind and helpful person and also have a big love for animals.

Twilight Sparkle (1 x uitgekomen)

You are very witty and smart and love to read. You may be a little socially awkward at times and have a hard time making new friends, but once you befriend someone you will be very close. You love your friends dearly and love to hang around with them, but you also like to be left alone at times and just read in silence.

Rainbow Dash (2 x uitgekomen)

You are loyal, competative and athletic. You love a challenge and wouldn't ever refuse one. When it comes to racing, you are without any doubt the fastest. You love sports and are very energetic.

Applejack (3 x uitgekomen)

You are a hard worker. You are headstrong, stubborn, but also very kind and honest. You are a bit cautious when it comes to trusting people, and you're very alert. You'll keep any secret and respect your friends and family a lot.

Derpy Hooves (1 x uitgekomen)

You are very clumsy. You'll topple over for no reason at all and mess up a lot. Even so, you are a very nice and funny person. Some may find you a bit strange, but that's because you are you! You may seem a bit "different", but that makes you a very interesting person.

Screwball (5 x uitgekomen)

You are a little bit... weird. You're cheerful, clumsy and perhaps a little bit dumb at times. You are a great person to have fun with, but you're not a serious person at all. Some may be a little bothered by that or find it annoying, but it's great fun also!



Reageer (15)

  • tinkerbel1

    Fluttershy dat ben ik bij alle quizen. Maar ik ben ook heel verlegen en mensen vinden mij schattig en ik hou van dieren

    9 jaar geleden
  • Lactare2

    rainbowdash, ik kon het nauwelijks vertalen...

    1 decennium geleden
  • Squirrelpawx

    Pinkie Pie yayyayyayay

    ben ik altijd met quizzen XDD

    1 decennium geleden
  • EvaOverdreva

    Dat klopt best wel, ik herken mezelf best wel in haar(H)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Fainche


    1 decennium geleden

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