Endings without stories.

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paar dagen geleden geschreven. [:

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Endings without stories. (22 x uitgekomen)

She's walking to school, with bruises on her body and tears streaming down her face.
She hides the truth with a smile on the outside, because she's dying on the inside.

If she could talk, she'd ask for help, if she could scream, she'd scream for death.
The truth hidden with a lie, never knew it would turn out so bad, and it's getting worse, and worse and worse, every time.

She walks through the blue door, which reveals a secret never told.
A lonely girl, dying on the bathroom floor.
The girl has been abandoned by the world, with the people not knowing it would soon be a dead girl.

If somebody could have helped,the would, but they couldn’t.
Nobody knew the truth,
only you.



Reageer (4)

  • Idontlikeyou

    Mooi (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • NanaWingless

    Zou zo een tekst van ETF kunnen zijn <'3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Anywhere

    Damn zit echt zoveel gevoel in

    1 decennium geleden
  • Airashii

    Mooi geschreven ^-^


    1 decennium geleden

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