For all the insecure girls.

I have to be pretty. I have to wear pretty good fitting clothes, even my underwear has to be perfect. I have to have nice shoes. I have to wear the right make-up. My hair has to be perfect styled. I have to be skinny. I have to be perfect. And why? Because this is a sick world. A demented world where you have to be pretty. But for me it is for this sick world, so the girls won't talk about my looks behind my back and the boys won't say things to me about my looks. But most of all, that boy. The boy who ignores me, the boy who has it all. The boy I love. The boy I adore, even though he doesn't see me, I think.. Today it happened. A boy said something bad about my looks. Not the boy I love, but just a random boy. A boy in my class who normally is just a nice guy. I just smiled, but inside... It broke my heart. Even though it's just a random boy.
It's so hard in this world. I'm just so insecure.
This is for all the girls, all the insecure girls who try so hard to be perfect. You're all ready perfect. Just listen to One Direction: "you're insecure, don't know what for" or Bruno Mars: "you're perfect just the way you are"
Love, May

Reageer (1)

  • Spookies

    Omg you so right
    Stay strong k?

    8 jaar geleden

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