
hij staat ook al in -Mijn teksten- maar omdat ik hem zelfgeschreven heb komt hij hier ook nog te staan.


It's everywhere you look.
A girl crying because her heart is broken.
Or a person that's injured and bleeding.
But if you really look deep.
In a person who seems happy and carefree all the time
You can see the pain that they have deep inside.
Behind their mask of happiness, there is pain underneath.
The pain that make them cry to sleep at night.
That make them feel awful.
That make them feel like they're nothing at all.
That make them injure theiselves, making scars all over.
Just to mark that pain behind that mask of happiness.

Made by me.

Reageer (3)

  • Malony


    6 jaar geleden
  • annette1233

    so real

    1 decennium geleden
  • Mermaidgirl

    Ik voel me een beetje aangesproken..................

    Gaaf gedicht!!!!!

    1 decennium geleden

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