Henrietta Bat

Henrietta Bat
Thought she was a cat
She caught a little mouse
And brought it in the house
She nibbled off its head
To make sure it was dead
Then she licked off all the mud
And sucked out all its blood
‘Yum, yum!’ sang Henrietta
‘I’ve never tasted better.
This is the life for me
A mouse a day for tea!’

But Henrietta’s luck
Ran out when she got stuck.
She couldn’t move at all….
The cat-flap was too small
Suddenly she spied
Six shining little eyes
It was the mouse’s mother
His sister, and his brother
Henrietta shrieked
As they nibbled off her feet
She screamed and sobbed and cried
As they nipped out both her eyes

So learn from Henrietta Bat
Never try and be a cat

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