(untitled notes) - 17.02.2020

1. none of these notes have been on my phone, but they could have been
2. the only reason i am writing these is for a class assignment
3. the idea of writing anything usually scares me into procrastination
4. sometimes i really want to just pick up a pigeon
5. sometimes i really feel like a pigeon trying to control an actual human body
6. i do not have the patience customers think i have
7. contrary to popular belief, i’ve yet to burst into flames when entering a church
8. this fact helps my dad think i am a regular person
9. my name and pronouns are not optional
10. who i love is not optional
11. my life, however, is
12. despite all my best efforts, i am still not genuinely happy
13. some days i only get up just to spite my father

Reageer (2)

  • Niallerslove

    Ik wens je veel kracht en moed toe.

    3 jaar geleden
  • ChifuyuMatsuno

    8. this fact helps my dad think i am a regular person

    De mijne ook xD

    3 jaar geleden

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