your love

I just wanted to say I love you
But than it all came out:

I love you
I want you
I wanna kiss you
I wanna keep you
I wanna hold you
I wanna feel you

I hoped you would understand it
And love me too
Your love is all I want
It is the only reason why I'm here
When you give it to me I'll be happy
If not I'll try the best I can
To let you find that love
That love that always has been in your heart
Maybe you couldn't see it
But it was there all the time

Now I finally have it
It is more expensive than all jewellery in the world
But even when it is that expensive
I'll never put it in a save
I'ld spread it all over the world
I love you and you know why
And there's nothing I wouldn't try
(H) 31-01-11

Reageer (1)

  • MeLoveYou

    Super mooi.
    I love you too

    1 decennium geleden

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