take me to some place

take me to some place
some place peas ful
some place whit out this pain
some place whit out war

take me to some place
some place i can do what i want
some place i may stop
some place i love

take me to that place
even if it hurts
even if I need to die

Reageer (1)

  • Spacark

    Take me to some place,
    some place that is peaceful;
    some place without this pain;
    some place without war.

    Take me to some place,
    some place where I can do what I want;
    Some place where I may quit;
    Some place that I will love.

    Please take me to that place,
    even if it will hurt;
    even if I will need to die.

    ~ <3

    1 decennium geleden

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