Why not? Is it that strange?
Why not? Is it that strange?
What is wrong with loving someone from the same gender.
Why's it that this kinda love isn't allowed.
The way we love is just the same as from a straight couple.
The way a guy loves a girl or how a girl loves a guy.
It's exactly the same way for us.
A girl who loves another girl.
A guy who loves another guy.
Its exactly the same.
Why can't we walk around holding hands in public.
Why can't we hug eachother.
Why we can't exchange a single kiss without getting a strange or discusted look.
What is it that we have done to you.
We dont ask you to like it.
But we do ask if it can be accepted.
We also want to walk around without getting weird faces immidently by everyone.
We're also just humas.
Just like you
Just like me
Just like your neightbour.
We're all the same.
Because we're like that.
It doesn't mean we're different or strange people.
We're humans.
Please accept us like we are.
Thats all we're asking for.
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6 jaar geleden