Potato poem

Potatoes can be big and small
Potatoes can be young and old
Potatoes can be juicy and sometimes dry
But I'm pretty sure potatoes cannot fly

All potatoes die after they've grown
And the moist soil is all they've known
So have they been happy, the potatoes I mean?
Well, they don't have emotions, yet they live unlike machines

Potatoes are just clumsy balls you can eat
They grow in the earth just below our feet
People are potatoes though we are human
No, we're not half potato, half human, a so-called fusion

We're all the same from the inside, just like these pods
Because that's how we're meant to be, created by gods
Yet they're all different someway, smaller or bigger
Sometimes not only the taste, but also the colours differ

So embrace your inner potato, we're all the same
No matter our gender, religion, race or name
But still we're all unique in our own way
And in the end potatoes are always bae

Potatoes are awesome, so become awesome by becoming a potato

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