The therapist

Dit was een gedicht dat ik ooit voor Engels moest schrijven, het is een metafoor over muziek die als therapeut kan werken. Ik was er heel trots op, hopelijk vinden jullie hem het lezen waard :)!

Strumbling through the day
Trying the hard to stand
Drowining in your own emotions
Is this ever coming to an end?

Whenever the moon stops saying goodnight
And the sun runs away and hides
She will be by your side

She is your singing guide
Leading you through this difficult process called life

Breaking the silence you have kept so long inside
If the future does not seem bright
Just listen to her hymns

Sharing her harmony with your soul
Advicing your heart of gold

Whenever you are feeling miserable
Like nothing is the only thing you are capable of
Remember she is here to help
Because letting you know how much you are worth
That is the only thing she is asking for

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