how i feel

Destruction, pain and tears
Something I cause
I am filled with evil and I cannot conquer my fears

I didn't meant to, but I did.
Please forgive me
I am the most disgusting kid

I made everything worse,
people made sacrifices for my sake, but it made them break
Broken but loving me,
dealing with all the questions, dealing with the pain
The fact that my loved ones had to suffer for my mistakes is driving me insane!
I can't see them suffer anymore
I wish everything was like it was before
How do I repay, I am not worth their love, I am not worth being their child
This story is a bit compiled
But trust me,
I am the reason
there is so much pain and grief
My death will be a relief

Reageer (1)

  • LaDispute

    Beautiful but sad
    Very sad

    9 jaar geleden

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