Everything is not what it seems

Look at that girl
She has the biggest smile of the world
You'll never see her sad
A laugh is all you get

But can you tell me what's behind that smile ?
Can you tell how hard she tries
To not to show her tears ?
You know, everything is not what it seems

Look at that guy
His whole life is a lie
He can't show his hesitation
Because that would ruin his reputation

Life is so hard for him
Because he can't be who he wants to be
Just remember this
Everything is not what it seems

Look further that that smile
You know there's something behind
Don't walk away
When they say 'oh, it's okay'

Never judge a book by its cover
Don't just look for another
It all might be so different
From what they let you see

You know,
Everything is not what is seems

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