Imagine, Luke Hemmings & Ashton Irwin. (I Didnt made this)

You woke up to the morning light hitting your face. You opened your eyes and instantly had a headache. You sighed and rolled over... onto something. You turned to see what it was only to realize it was a person. You screamed and jumped out of bed. The boy jumped awake and looked at you.
You looked down at yourself and screamed again. You were naked. You ripped the blankets off the bed and ran into your closet. You quickly put underwear and a bra on then slipped on a tanktop and shorts. You walked out to the boy putting on his pants.
From behind he looked quite familiar. Blonde hair... broad shoulders. Then it hit you.
He turned around and smiled. Shit you thought to yourself.
"W-What are you doing h-here?" You asked.
He looked confused. "You invited me here..."
You furrowed your brows. "I did?"
"Yeah," He laughed nervously, "After I kissed you at the party last night you invited me here."
The groggy events of last night came back to memory. The party. Seeing Luke. Him kissing you. Coming home. Then... oh god.
"Did we do it?" You asked horrified.
He smiled. "Yes."
He walked over wrapped his arms around you. You stiffened as he kissed the top of your head.
"Im glad were back together."
You pulled away from him. "This was a mistake. I was drunk. I never said were back together." You said shakily.
Luke looked at you with pain in his eyes. "Yes... you did say that..."
What else did I say last night?
"Luke... we cant... I cant.. theres a reason we broke up..." You sighed.
"I know but I thought-" you stopped him.
"You thought wrong. We cant be together again."
He put his head down, "Why not?"
You choked back the tears that were threatening to spill. You lead Luke to the living room and sat on the couch with him.
"Luke, I want you to listen. Okay?"
He nodded.
"I love you. I always will. I loved being in a relationship with you. It was the best 3 years of my life. But things changed. You became distant and when you hit me the first time..." you began crying. "My world shattered. When you started hitting me repeatedly I knew I had to leave..." you sobbed.
Luke sniffed. You looked up to see him crying.
"Im so sorry (y/n). I know I screwed everythimg up. I was in a bad place. But that was 5 years ago! Ive changed. Im better. Please. Give me another chance?" Tears streamed down both his cheeks.
You put your head in his chest. "Have you really changed?"
He pulled your legs into his lap and took your hand in his. He rubbed your fingers and nodded.
You nodded and said quietly. "I'll give you one more chance."
"Really?" Luke perked up.
"Really." You giggled.
You two sat there for a little while. Enjoying eachother. Relearning the way you two fit perfectly. A thought came to you. Something you couldn't remember from last night.
"Wait... Luke?"
He looked down at you.
"Did we use protection?"
Luke shook his head no. You gasped and jumped up.
"Oh. Shit." You turned around to face him. "Luke Im not on birth control anymore."
Luke's eyes widened.
~12 days later~
You impatiently waited for the pregnancy test to tell you the answer you so desperately needed. You closed your eyes as you paced in the bathroom. A minute later you opened your eyes. Your mouth gaped open and you dropped the test. You began to cry. Luke walked in with a smile on his face.
"So... what's the-" He noticed your crying and rushed to your side. "Hun. What is it?"
You looked up at him. Nervous as hell to tell him the news. You mumbled. "We're going to be parents."
Luke grinned bigger than you had ever seen. He pulled you in for a hug and kissed you. You smiled at the thought of being a mom. Luke let go of you and said, "I can't wait!"
You grinned at him. He was going to make a great dad.
~2 Months Pregnant~
You had just gotten back from your run to find Luke watching T.V. on the couch.
He looked over at you and smiled. "Good run?" He asked.
You nodded.
He turned back towards the T.V. "It's okay to gain weight ya know? You are pregnant." He joked. You laughed. Luke really had changed. And you were so happy that you two were back together again. Things couldn't get any more perfect.
~5 Months Pregnant~
The hormones were making you crazy emotional. You and Luke had been in a few arguments but nothing a kiss wouldnt fix. The argument you were having at the moment wasn't going so well. You were both yelling at eachother.
"Just stop!" You screamed.
"Just shut the fuck up!" Luke screamed back.
You began crying. Luke rushed to your side and tried to calm you. You moved away from him, "Just leave me alone." You sobbed.
Then like a switch something changed in him. His eyes darkened and he looked like a completely different person. He pushed you into the wall, said, "Fine!" and walked out of the room.
~7 Months Pregnant~
The abuse had gotten worse. You wanted to leave him so badly. He hadn't changed. The same same thing happened the first time you dated. At first he was so sweet but then one day he just flipped like a switch. You desperately wanted to leave but it wasn't fair to your baby. She needed her father. You hadn't even told Luke that it was going to be a girl yet. You never got the chance. The onslaught of name calling and hitting never gave you the chance to. You cried as he called you, "A worthless slut that doesnt deserve to be a mother."
~Expecting any day~
You completely hated Luke at this point. He was as good as dead to you. Once the baby was born you were taking her and never letting Luke see her again.
He walked into the room as you were thinking this.
"I love you." He smiled.
You didn't respond.
"Can we talk?" He sighed.
You looked up at him. He sat next to you which made you flinch.
"Im going back to see my therapist. I've gotten bad. You know I don't realize I'm hurting you. I just black out and dont realize what I'm doing until Ive done it. Im so sorry." He cried.
You almost had a shred of sympathy. But flashbacks of him hitting you made you lose it.
"Im going to get better. I quit therapy because everything was so perfect. That's why I got bad."
He put his hand to your stomach which made you flinch.
"Im so sorry. Im getting better for our baby. For you. For me. For us. For our family. I love you so much. You are so strong and brave for staying with me through this. Ive treated you like shit but you've stayed. I promise I will never hit you again."
Liar. You've said that before. You throught but nodded.
"I love you."
"I love you too." You lied through your teeth.
You cradled your newborn baby girl in your arms. Luke was sitting in a chair at your bedside and your parents just left to go get you food.
"She's beautiful." Luke said quietly with a small smile.
You smiled at him. You kissed your baby and handed her over to her daddy.
Luke grinned and eagerly held his child. "Hi Ava. Its your daddy!" Luke said softly like a baby.
You smiled and began tearing up. At this moment you didn't hate this Luke. This was the kind, sweet, gentle and loving man you fell in love with. The darkness that usually hung around him was gone. Replaced with light as he held your guys' baby girl in his arms. His eyes were no longer darkened but a brighter blue than you had ever seen. You smiled as Luke looked at you. You hated the monster that Luke was but this... this boy holding the most perfect child was the thing you loved most in the world. You hoped this Luke would last... forever.
Your 3 year old Ava ran into your room when the doorbell rang.
"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy! Daddy here! Daddy here!"
You sighed as Ava pulled you out of bed and dragged you to the front door. You put on a brave face and opened the door with a smile.
"Daddy!" Ava screamed jumping into his arms.
Luke laughed and spun her around, "Hi princess Ava!"
Ava smiled at the name her dad always called her. Once Luke put Ava down she dragged him to her pink and purple princess room. You sighed and closed the door. You decided to make coffee while the two played. Finally Luke came out with Ava on her back.
"Daddy ca we watch pongebob?"
Luke smiled, "Of course princess! Go start it and Ill be right there."
Ava smiled and ran off to the lounge room to turn on her favorite show.
"Coffee?" You held up a mug for him.
He took a sip and smirked.
"What?" You laughed.
"Just the way I like it." He wiggled his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes and grinned. You took a seat at the table. Luke set his cup down and got on one knee.
"(y/n) marry me?"
You rolled your eyes and pushed him over. This was the usual.
"No. I reject your offer." You smirked mischievously.
He put his head down and began pouting.
"But.. but.." his lip quivered, "I wub you and Ava and wan be wif you!"
You smiled and pushed him again. "Shut up."
He smiled and got back in his chair taking his coffee.
"You know I love you and Ava. I want to be a family." He said seriously.
You looked at Luke and saw the hurt in his eyes.
"Look I know you're truly better now and Ive allowed you to be in our lives but damnit Luke! I cant let go of those months of abuse. It may take years for me to get over it and finally be ready to be with you." You cringed remembering him hitting you.
Luke's shoulders sunk as he whispered, "I know about Ashton..."
You looked at him in horror.
Oh. Shit.
"Y-you k-know w-what?" You trembled standing up and backing towards the wall. Luke frowned.
"Im not going to hurt you. I know you've been seing Ashton."
Ava ran in the room at that moment.
"Ash!" She squealed, "He here?"
Luke picked her up and set her on his knee.
He sighed, "No princess just daddy."
She frowned, then looked up at you, "Mummy I wan Ash to play wif me!"
"How about daddy plays with you?" Luke smiled.
"No. Daddy you call Ash to play wif me?" She pleaded.
"No." He said sternly.
"Ash is better daddy!"
"Ashton isn't your daddy! I am! You understand?" Luke raised his voice.
Ava's lip quivered and she jumped off his lap and ran to you. You trembled as you picked up your daughter and let her cry into your chest. Luke never ever yelled at Ava. He was always so patient and sweet with her. This was the first time he'd ever even been mad at her.
"Luke maybe y-you should go."
He stood up and took a step towards you. You cowered into the wall, covering Ava. He sighed and went the other way. He got to the door and Ava looked at him. Pain and regret flashed across his face.
"I sowwy daddy." Ava mumbled.
A small smile came to Luke's face. He looked at you. "Im sorry too princess. I love you. More than you know. And deffinetely more than he does." He turned and opened the door only to run into something... more like someone. You stood on your toes to see over Lukes head at who it was....
"Speak of the devil." Luke said coldly.
Ashton smiled at you. "Hey (y/n)"
Hearing his voice, Ava jumped out of your arms and ran to Ashton.
"Ashy!" She smiled.
Ashton picked her up and lifted her above his head and spun her around. The two giggled and Ashton hugged her tightly. Luke stormed out of your house. He got in his car and sped away.
Ava looked like she wanted to cry.
"Ava what's wrong sweetie?" You asked concerned.
"I dint get to tell daddy bye bye." She sniffed.
"Hey its okay. Daddy will be back." You smiled trying to comfort her.
"Ashy will play with you!" Ava nodded and went to her room.
You sighed in relief. Ashton pulled you into a big hug which calmed your nerves. You were so grateful to have him in your life.

The first time you started seeing Ashton was a little after Ava was born. You had met him through Luke and become best friends but after you and Luke broke up the first time you lost touch... for 5 years to be exact. Once you and Luke got back together you instantly reconnected.
You called him over one night after Luke had hit you and left. You were emotionally exhausted and Ashton understood this. He wanted to beat the shit out of Luke but you wouldnt let him. Ash made you promise to end things with Luke. You did the next day but had to promise to let him be in Ava's life. After that Ash became your rock. Helping you, caring for you and best of all loving Ava.

You looked at Ash and smiled. He gave you a crooked smile. You hugged him and almost began to cry. This is what real love is like. He loves me enough to wait for me. You thought. You gently cup his face and slowly ever so slowly kiss him. Giving into his love...

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