good friends

good friends,
you believe them if they say they'll stay,
but there's always that day,
everything changes,
they go away,
they leave you
they're too busy,
they only have attention for their phone,
or for other people,
you feel bad,
you're breaking inside,
it hurts,
you thought you'd never lose that person,
but that person left you,
you don't believe people anymore,
you miss the good times,
you think about the times you had with that person,
it's all going away,
it won't be the same,
loosing a good friend hurts,
you can feel it in your heart,
feeling so bad,
weird feeling, sadness comes,
it will never be the same as before,
you cry,
'cuz you realize,
it was a lie.

Reageer (1)

  • StrikjesMuis

    I'm here for you babe
    Xoxo Ilona

    1 decennium geleden

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