Dear old best friend


Dear old best friend,

I never thought it was going to be like this.
We were inseparable.
Nobody could pull us apart.
I couldn't think of one moment I wished for you to disappear.

But look where we are now.
So far away from each other.
Not only physically, but also mentally.
And it hurts.

It is killing me to not know how you are doing.
To not know what you feel about this.
I cry myself to sleep every night.
Not knowing if you do the same.
I cry while I am writing this.
I cry because I miss you.

But also because I hate you.
I hate you for letting me down.
For replacing me.
Forgetting me.
I hate the distance that you use as an excuse.

I loved you.
I hated you.
I miss you.

Love, an old best friend.

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