
Once there was a person called Me,
Me was broken into 3 parts.
3 different parts.

one of them was a white mare called Spirit.
Spirit was the broken part of Me.
pieces in different shapes were cut out her body, leaving black holes.
the biggest one had a heart shape.
blood flowed out of the holes and she felt nothing else then the pain of time.
pain who nevers stopped, pain who let her think death is the last option...
Spirit was afraid and scared.

another part was Demon, Spirits evil twin brother.
Demon was Spirits opposite in everything.
he had many scars from fights.
Demon was angry and he wanted to hurt things.
He was insane and dangerous.

the last part was Guardian.
Guardian was an iron horse who protected Me.
he still keeps Spirit en Demon inside Me to protect her from Spirits never ending pain and Demons insanety.
he`s like an iron shield between Me and the twin but also between Me and the world.
he protects her in every way he can.
on the inside, but also on the outside,
he let her be like iron to others so they don`t try to hurt her.

so, this is Me,
just an orinairy person on the outside
but inside she`s broken..

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  • Manibus


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