Losing Family over and over again..

Everytime I lose a family..
over and over again.. i start to feel lonley

Mom, dad, me and Sahil, my brother
Now it is just me,Sahil and my mother.

When I see old pictures from back then I still cry after so many years
I just can't hold my tears, I got so many fears.

Family is more then parents, sisters and brothers..
There are others: aunts, uncles, grandpa's, grandma's, cousins and stuff..

I lost the family of moms side too..
I am just tabboo,

Hating with no reasons at all, just see my other poems.
But you know.. even we all can't stand eachother I miss them.

Once, there was respect and love, it was all okay.
Those people are part of you, but they don't want to..
Love is gone, it is all away..

Then we had a stephdad, we tought he loved us
we tought he was the best we could wish for , the idial steph dad

But this was all a lie, it was all fake.. It made us so sad..
he cheated with all diffrent woman all the time

He treated our mom like shit, but we never knew that
I want to delete him from our lives, just want to forget

This felt like my parents divorced again
When will find mom the one? don't hurt her, I tell everyone.

Now is dad happy with his girlfriend.
I pray that their love never end.
She is going to have a baby

It is so confrontational but I feel happy for them
Bro and I will embrace the child and protect him from the evil in the world.
I pray for him, I pray that his family will never fall apart, and never have to feel lonley in his heart.

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