
My life is already been so long, but If I look good.
I have my life still whole for me...
But it feels like I'm already so many years on this planet that just keep turning and I still...
on the same spot.
Like the day before... and the day before that day and...
I don't want to live and die and that nobody knows I've been excisted.
I don't want to be a soul we're nobody thinks at.
I want to be heard.
I want to be known.
I want so much, and I hope at a day that this is going to be real.
I'm dreaming to much...
Can somebody wake me?
But maybe I just want to dream, but I just want to be hurt if it's not going to happen.
From that feeling, the pain, that can leave a big scar on my soul, that's where I'm
scared of.

~Ellen L.

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