Ik wordt zo gek van pesters!

I'm asking you

Why you always deny, why you hurt these kids?
You don't have to lie because everyone sees what you did
Pretty good in being childish, pretty good in breaking feelings

Waiting till the wounds will be healed
Tears fall and confidence fades away

But you don't see what you do to your preys,
it goes like this everyday
Such a egoist and looking for fun
Laughing when the children are starting to run

no respect to adults

Still not seeing what you have done
why don't you listen to me?
1 against 2 or 3

Starting fights for nothing
You think that you are tough, so you think you are a king.

I see that you are bored and maybe at home ignored,
I see that you learned no compassion, so bullying became a passion.

But guys, grow up find a freaking hobby and stop being so snobby.
Leave the kids alone and fix your own messed up lives first

I see you are unhappy so you act crappy.
But that is not a reason to hurt these children

Hurt my brother 1 time again and so will see what will happen,
I smack you in the face and people will find your head at another place

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