Falling apart.

The family is falling apart,
a stab in the heart.

Guilty people, yes there are.
How could we let this happen so far

Gossip and judge, speak fudge,
heart filled with black smudge,

envy everyone, loving no one, but yourself.
Speaking evil, spreading hate, how come that you are so wicked

don't try to contradict, you guys are trying to hypnotize,
everyone hates you, thats your prize.

I'm asking you, why you guys do this?
If the devil was real, he would be so proud and give you all a kiss

You hate with no reason at all
with the brains, oh so small

If looks could kill you would kill not just someone, but everyone!
You feel like you are the best,

you don't know gratitude, benefaction, no love,
but goodluck on your quest
of life,
If you will survive.

Reageer (1)

  • ArtsInvest

    deze vind ik ook heel mooi :D

    1 decennium geleden

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