Wat mij op dit moment dwars zit..:[

I know a secret,
its hard to forget,
I feel so bad for you..
The pain in her hart became a tattoo,
Where did he let you guys get into,
an evil soul,
in your minds he powell
Girlfriend doesn't know her lover is a fraud,
With his words, in the hart of the other he clawed.
The other, young, innocent and impressionable by his lust,
Both girls falled in love with someone they can't trust.
Both girls mean so much to me,
Its hard to see,
My niece in a grip of deceptive
The other girl, depressed and stressed,
because of the false hope he gave her,
the blaims she get from everyone, its not fair!
She wants to get free from air, free from life,
It feels like someone is smashing a knife.
He slides al the debts to her, people giving her weird faces everywhere,
judging her but not even know the whole story,
But I tell you one day she will live in glory!
But now, my niece ..
dating with someone who ruined someone's life,
I'm glad if that person will surive,
So many people know about the fraud, but the girlfriend herself.
I was talking to myself.. Feeling bad for her too,
should I let this continue?
I feel like I have to protect my niece,
but I cant say anything, I promised.. help me please!!

Sorry voor de spelfouten XD

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