Fashion 2

Possessed by Fashion
The only passion
Im feeling so much compassion.
Lets talk about the stuff I iritate about!
Studs, you can't live without,
Bitch, you called the people a Goth or a DOG who wear them before they were in!
Trying to get a umpa lumpa skin.
Dying hair, everyone who did it before those celebs were emo's or attentionseekers in your eyes.
Admit it, its true. Im not telling you lies.
skulls, crosses. Oh girl you are so hardcore.
You called me a suicidal emo because I was wearing that before?
You 'game' , because boys like that
Imagine about how many guys you can get thanks to that
I really don't care that you do this things
There is only one thing i worry about
In your ears I will shout,
have some selfrespect,
You are not an object,
the stores and companys their project,
everyone's favorite subject.
why doing everything what everyone expect..
Enjoy your live and do what you like, wear what you really want,
don't say you can't,
Celebs and media isn't everything.
Ignore the strange looks on people their faces
Fashion is just a phase
Why do you care so much
Who cares about how you look, how your hair is.
Just think fuck all this,
Ignore the gossips, ignore the big staring eyes watching you.
It doesn't matter if you dye your hair pink or blue,
If you like it, you should do it,
not because the magezine's or other shit tells you to do
No reason to argue.

Het is een beetje als de eerste maar okee :P
Die eerste was meer om te oefenen en deze zet ik maybe op FB ;p

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