
Life is a game, a dangerous game.
Birth is the beginning, dead is the end.
But in between those two you can fill in yourself.
You can be happy, you can be sad,
you can be a hero, you can be a coward,
you can be shy, you can be social,
you can be lonely, you can have many friends.
Life gives you so many choices.
I choose happiness above sadness,
socialness above shyness,
being a hero above being a coward
but though I want to have many friends, life gave me loneliness.
Not on the outside, but on the inside.
That’s life, that’s me.

Reageer (2)

  • Papiliones

    Heel erg leuk en mooi!

    7 jaar geleden
  • Klaar

    N'aaaaw. Gossie, dit is echt fantastisch (H)(H)(H)

    1 decennium geleden

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