Only you

I want to say this to you:

You are so special to me.
You can always make me laugh also when I'm very sad.
I can't stop starring at you when I'm with you.
Your beautiful blue eyes and your super sweet smile.
Your blonde locks and your irresistible voice.
I can't believe my eyes when I'm with you.
You are reachless and it feels like you're so far away.
Every picture, poster or photo of you is just perfect.
Your music sounds so good in my ears.
When you're start playing your gitar I'm starting to blush.
Only you can do this
No other boy is so special like you.
I know everything about you.
But you don't know my name.
Hopefully I'll met you ever again.
So I can tell you finally my name.
But for now you're gone.
And when you're in Holland I can't come to you.
Because I'm waiting for a message from you.
You can trust me and you can tell me everything!
Please believe me I'm waiting here for you.
Just for you and nobody else.
I can cry all night long. Because I probably can't meet you in real life.
You mean so much to me.
You changed my life so much.
You give me hope and strength.
You're the boy I'm waiting for all my life.
I really love you.
I want to say this to you just face to face.
You can make my biggest wish and dream come true: to meet you.

When you will ever read this you need to know: you mean so much to me and I love you forever!

Your name: Niall James Horan

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