Vile predator


Cold harsh strings of violin,
soon revenge is near.
Tune to cut up heart and soul,
melody to fear.

Red as blood and dark as night,
monster in us all.
Claws his way from bowels of hell,
contemplates the fall.

Growling mess of dwindled thoughts,
frozen by the horn.
Boiling red awakens thee,
haze of maroon scorn.

Grinding teeth break silence dear,
muscles tense the flesh.
Hard breath against velvet air,
warranty to clash.

Suffocation imminent,
beast just swallows through.
Bright white bull of evil rise,
horns now aimed at you.

Piercing eyes, like daggers still,
cuts to reach the bone.
Demon freezes blood to hate,
relish painful moan.

Tainted heart with grime intwined,
filled within the void.
Discord views reality,
all remains destroyed.

Reageer (2)

  • Malony

    Super gaaf :)

    5 jaar geleden
  • Donwell

    Oh, dit verdient meer dan een 10+.

    1 decennium geleden

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