Even unanswered love can end up good <3 if you are prepared to putt some effort in it

I once loved a girl that fulfilled to all my dreams,
I once loved a girl that made all my feelings go nuts,
I once loved a girl that loves people for who they are.
But I found out she doesn't love me so
I did what every boy gots to do when his heart Is broken.
I did my best to get good friends with her.
She now loves me, only different than I did,
she now loves me for who I am,
the one that is prepared to do everything
to put a smile on her face.
Sometimes its hard,
I'm not going to deny that ,
butt its all worth it
cause I realised the most important thing
in a relationship I ever searched for is friendship.
and I still have the friendship.
Its really fine to know that ! <3 ^^ :$

Reageer (5)

  • Malony


    5 jaar geleden
  • LoveStylesx

    Wow! Dit gedicht is ook al zo prachtig (mn reactie is niet origineel maar t is de waarheid)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Strawhat


    1 decennium geleden
  • 13112016

    wauw (H)

    1 decennium geleden
  • TrueThatShit

    I love you (: <3

    1 decennium geleden

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