spark of light

living in a hell
demons getting out their shell
holding me back when crawling to last door
the last door out of this hell
away from the demons who came out their shell
the ones who try to keep you in that hell
the last gate with that spark of light
the light spark you fighting for
while the demons from inside and around try to hold you back
pulling you fiurther in the madness
fighting tham in hope to reach that spark
the spark you see through that gate
the gate you want to go trough
demons everywhere not even seeing the flames trough the darkness they spread
trough a open spot in the darkness the demons spread i still see that gate
that gate i need to go to

Reageer (1)

  • dragondog3

    dunno of dit wel een genoeg gedichtachtig is, maar zou niet weten waar anders te plaatsen

    1 decennium geleden

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